Sunday, March 15, 2015

Lesson 5


1. I chose developmentally-appropriate curriculum as my topic. There were 3845 results. I was able to sort them by source type and by publication date. I liked both of those features. It was really cool that there were options to narrow your results by publication type, document type, and location type. A person could also narrow their results by language such as French and Spanish.

1a. I checked out the blog's post by "I Love to Read" He/she is a very thorough blogger! I copied and pasted some of his/her blog for week 6 so that I may use it for my need to teach civil discourse to my students. His/her blog discussed Spring festivals from around the world:
The first article she read was the "Mimouna Festival."  This article was found in the Encyclopedia of Modern Middle East and North Africa.  The festival is a Jewish festival which will be great to use as we have been reading "Number the Stars."  He/she also found an article called "China."  It was found in the Junior World Mark Encyclopedia of Holidays. I will be able to find more information in the manner that this blogger did to expand our civil discourse studies. Thank you "I Love to Read!" blogger!

2. The search for media specialist in subject, in title, title begins with, and in publication summary all  yielded 0 results - as did informational media specialist and library media specialist. Finally, I just typed in library and 105 publications came up. I clicked on American Libraries. It showed the coverage for this publication to be from Jan. 1988 to present. I then clicked on "View most recent issue. I liked how the site broke down each section of the journal so that you could just view what you wanted. You could also do a quick preview of the text before you downloaded, just in case it wasn't what you were looking for. Next, I went back and typed in "teaching" in the search box. Eighty-one publications came up. I scrolled down and found a publication called "Education and Information Technologies. I clicked on the most recent issue and found one interesting article about profiling Greek kindergarten teachers attitudes towards computers... I never knew that I could find publications this way in Proquest!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Super finds in Proquest this week. The publications tab is one my favorite tools in Proquest. Being able to search for a journal topic (and even search within the journal once you find it) is really powerful. I also like to set up journal alerts for professional reading.

    Thanks for the great post,
