Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week 1

I really liked:
  • The enhanced spelling correction feature that analyzes the misspelled word that a student may type in and that it allows the student to choose the correct spelling, and performs a search on the corrected term automatically, while also providing a link to other possible spellings.
  • Links to related articles and web sites
  • Citation information and that it gives the student citation examples in the help section.
  • Students may double-click a word in any article, activity, or science project to display an overlay of the dictionary definition.
  • World Book Kids features games on curriculum topics related to Important People, Math, Reading and Grammar, Science, and Social Studies topics.
  • World Book Kids features a special section for pictures. Available from the "Pictures" button at the top of any page in the site, the pictures section can be searched or browsed by subject category.
  • World Book Kids offers audio clips of bird songs, popular and classical music, national anthems, and much more. My students really love this feature..
I also really liked the feature in World Book Discover that there is audible text with adjustable speed!!


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