Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Lesson 9

1.  I was disappointed that I only received a Volume 1 that only included my birth date, my address and an old phone number.

2. I typed in my grandfather and found out that he was born in December, 1882 in Canada, England - I never knew this! His father was born in Canada, England and so was his mother - too cool!!

3. I clicked on U.S. School Yearbooks, 1880-2012. I tried to find my husband's yearbook was I was unable. However, I did find his older sister's - too cool! A person would really have to have a lot of time on his/her hands to be able to really get to the information he/she is seeking...

4. The first thing I clicked on was Search Census. I searched my dad. It was cool how it brought up the census results! I did not know that my grandfather was born in Canada. My grandmother was 30 when she had my dad and my grandfather was 43. My dad had siblings who were 15, 14, 4, 2, 10, and 8 when he was born. Another sister was not born until he was 4. It was strange that my dad had told me that he was born in 1924 and that is what his death certificate said, but the record said that he was born in 1925. Maybe the abt above the year means about... Next I searched the Family History Books and Directories.  Since I do not know anything about my ancestry, I searched and searched using my dad's and mom's last names, but I did not come up with anything here. I searched the Revolutionary War and several Hazzards were listed. I am not sure if any are related to my family. I look forward to using this site to dig further!!

5. I chose Rapid City for my town and September 1930 for my date in Sanborn Maps. I found two buildings that are still in use today. They are the South Dakota School of Mines and the Alex Johnson Hotel. I am not very good with maps so this was kind of difficult for me. I think that my husband would be very interested in Sanborn Maps since he grew up here and I did not.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You had great discoveries in AncestryLibrary, HeritageQuest and Sanborn Maps! When searching in Ancestry and viewing the census info, there are blank census forms (charts and forms at the top of the Ancestry window) to help see what questions are asked.
    And yes, searching in the genealogy resources can take quite a bit of time--just ask anyone who does genealogy :)

    Thanks for your post!
